Our Mission
ZDT Coffee selects, roasts, packages, and delivers the finest coffee beans
ZDT Coffee selects the finest coffee beans from all over the world and roasts, packages, and delivers them to customers locally and online. The proceeds from the sale of our quality coffee (beans or ground) will go to helping those injured or killed in the line of duty and/or their families. ZDT Coffee will only disburse funds to charities that prove they use most of those funds directly helping our warriors and their families. We understand, better than most, that it takes money to run a nonprofit, however, we want to get the most out of every dollar we touch.

Assist Veterans and First Responders with PTSD
Service and Support

Zero Dark Thirty Coffee Inc is dedicated to helping the men and women of the United States Marine Corps, Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, Border Patrol, FBI, DEA, ATF, US Marshals, as well as every level of local Police, Fire, and EMS all across the United States, retired or active and their families.

Reduce the Stigma
Another aspect of ZDT Coffee is to bring awareness to the high rate of veteran and first responder suicide. The battle is not over just because they make it home. PTSD is real and as deadly as a bullet. ZDT Coffee is working to shed the stigma from PTSD, especially in the machismo world in which most of us were raised. We know PTSD can be treated and managed, but the negative connotation attached to PTSD prevents thousands of warriors from seeking help. PTSD is also the leading cause of alcoholism and drug addiction in veterans and first responders. When our warriors are not given the tools to deal with the trauma they face, it can be overwhelming. Alcohol and drugs become the only way they can escape without anyone realizing they are suffering from PTSD. If we can educate the general public about PTSD, maybe we can shed the stigma and prevent the suicides and/or addiction.
Support Non-Profits

Our profits go directly to trusted, legitimate, well run 501(c)3 charities for veterans, first responders, and their families. Every charity we donate to has to meet certain criteria to ensure we are getting the most out of every dollar you spend. We are dedicated to our goal of donating most of our profits and using the other % to expand the company so we can fill more cups and help more people! We know this is aiming high but we believe it is possible!
Donations Appreciated!
Zero Dark Thirty Coffee, Inc understands not everyone loves coffee as much as we do. We also know that some of those noncoffee folks appreciate our heroes as much as we do and still want to contribute to the cause. Or, maybe you simply can not drink as much coffee as your heart wants to give. For this reason, we are putting this donation tab on our site. Thank you for your support, we could not be here helping others without you!
Since we are a nonprofit company, you have the option to determine how your donation is spent. If you have your heart set on a specific purpose, please be as specific as possible and leave your contact info so we can make sure we hit the mark.