Some of our Proudest Moments
Listen to #FinishingStrong Podcast from 94.1 the Voice, host Steve Tanner talks with Jared Webb about PTSD and getting help.
Boise's Channel 2 IdahoNews Interviews Zero Dark Thirty Founders.
BOISE, Idaho (CBS2) — Brent Rowe finds peace roasting coffee in his Boise shop.
“It just helps my life so much you know. To me there’s a meditative state that I get into when I’m roasting and it’s when I leave here I’m always relaxed,” Rowe said.
To Rowe, coffee is more than a quick drink in the morning. The process of creating a cup of joe is an art form.
He shared some of his process of roasting the beans with CBS 2 News.
Raw Thoughts - Ep.38
Jarad Webb, co-founder of Zero Dark Thirty Coffee, speaks on the podcast “Raw Thoughts.” Listen now – A Law Enforcement Officer’s Trial and Triumph Story.
Homeward for heroes
Got to hang out with our amazing friends from Homeward for Heroes this week as they came through Boise. We were honored to present them a check from the Zero Dark Thirty Coffee Foundation from our event with The Taylor Foundation! They also signed up a local Vet/1st responder and his wife for an upcoming trek.
Real heroes making a real difference on a personal level… we are honored to help you help our warriors and their families.

KTVB7's Story on Zero Dark Thirty Coffee
BOISE, Idaho — Two Treasure Valley veterans are working to help end the stigma behind veteran and first responder post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Jared Webb and Brent Rowe are the founders of Zero Dark Thirty Coffee Inc. They make and sell their own coffee to people all over Idaho and the country. 80% of their profits go to local charities for first responders, veterans and their families.
We Support the Taylor Foundation
Please share this with everyone you know! I will tell you The Taylor Foundation teaming up with local, boots on the ground, charities is making a real difference in the warrior community. Nobody is lining their own pockets, and Corey is empying his own, to prevent veteran and first responder suicide. And it is working! Just from the small private event with us at Zero Dark Thirty Coffee, we have personally sat down with about a dozen warriors that were struggling and reached out for the first time. If you are looking for a place where your donations will undoubtedly save lives, look no further. Our planet could use a few more people like Corey. Please donate if you can spare a few dollars, and let’s keep this going so everyone sees it! Thank you.